Grit dog wrote:
Buddy, you gotta throw the crowd more than a couple bread crumbs if you want real assistance.
You're about 99% vague on what you're asking about.
Sorry Grit dog, didn't mean or intend to be vague. My original intent was to reach out to see if there were others that successfully fitted their flatbed with a hitch and extended tow bar to reach out beyond an over hanging truck camper. I really really appreciate ALL of the responses I received, and have made contact with individuals that had rigs configured similar to what I sought.
FWIW, what I'm dealing with is a 2021 Ford F550, sporting a CM, RD model flatbed (which already has a hitch mounted on a vertical rear plate. I also have an Eagle Cap 1160 camper which extends 36" from the existing hitch. As far as what I want to tow, most likely nothing heavier than a boat (which I do not even have yet). I started out looking at Torklift, but they have informed me that the last hitch for the F550 was designed for 2016 models, and have not made any mods to that hitch since then, and cannot confirm or deny that that hitch will fit a 2021! TL did send me the mounting instructions for the old model to see if it "might" work, but I cannot be sure there will be sufficient clearance, based on these instructions?
So, initially I did not know who might have what, and how long they've had it, or what age vehicle they were working with, so I intentionally cast a broad net to see what responses I got, and see if I could gather some valuable solutions.....I know there are some really super inventive folks on here, and hoped I'd get lucky!
I've had numerous people suggest I just take my rig to a local fabricator and see if they can "beef up" the existing hitch. I really hesitate to do this. After considering the potential ramifications of a failed hitch, I prefer to have a hitch that is actually engineered for this purpose, and not take a chance on some shade tree fabricator producing a "that otta work" rendition of a hitch.
Hopefully this provides a bit more clarity of what I'm attempting.
Thanks again everyone for your generous inputs, suggestions, and help!