Thanks for the reply. With the help of a friend, we got the thing apart. Very carefully using my vehicle winch and a tree, a couple of lengths of chain, and quite a bit of safety gear...we pulled and tapped with a rubber mallet, pulled and tapped, pulled and tapped, then POP, the leg slid out. What We found was that the leg had swollen at the bottom and the seam where the anti-spin indention is located had swelled and split slightly. While I could have that welded and know it would hold....what we next found was even more interesting. The shaft was loose in the leg. After removing the retaining pins and sliding the ball screw shaft out, I turned the leg upside down and tapped it on the driveway several times. I bet we got at least two cups worth of debris, most of it metal, out of that leg. Upon further examination of the ball screw device, we found that several of the bearings were simply gone, some had fallen out and we found them in the debris pile and those that were still in place were rusty and various sizes. Clearly worn out. I'm trying to see if I can get just that part of the mechanism but I suspect if I want the leg to work properly, $325.00 plus shipping of a new leg is going to be involved.