Bionic Man wrote:
Curious why you aren't looking at another Arctic Fox? Looks like their gray capacity is 44 and 35 for black, is that not competitive with the other manufactures?
FWIW, we are considering upgrading our 5th wheel. I've looked at Arctic Fox and Grand Designs. The AF quality sure appears better to me.
We did look at AF, And in fact that is what we looked at first. We like some of the others better in terms of layout and features.
We have been really happy with our current Arctic Fox (2011 model 26X). It is well built, but I am not sure the interior is built any better (or any differently) than the Nomad/Skyline we had before that.
We just put a deposit on an Outdoors RV model 24KRS. It is the same length and weight as the AF, The kitchen has a little less counter space, and the fridge is 7 CF instead of 8 CF, but the bedroom and bathroom should be more will hold 100 gallons of fresh water and 80 gallons of grey (two 40-gallon tanks, so we cannot use all of that capacity). I think the exterior-accessible storage will be more convenient also.
It seems the trailer has been built, but is sitting at the factory waiting for a shipment of air conditioners. With luck it will show up by the end of September.