the bear II wrote:
An escape hatch makes a pretty big sail. If you left it open even a small amount wind gusts coming from just the right direction could remove it. provided one of the lock screws was missing from the hinge. I had a roof vent disappear during a very strong wind storm. I no longer leave them cracked open.
Or a thief was attempting to get in to your camper and was scared off once they removed the escape hatch.
I've lost vents too- Watched one sail away in the wind in Montana. :)
I'll go through the camper again, but I have a heap of tools in there and nothing was changed that I could see. There were also undisturbed items below the hatch, on the bed.
My thought was someone just wanted the hatch cover, but otherwise wasn't a "thief". They cost close to $100, so I can see why someone would gank it, but I would really prefer to believe that it was the wind. I'll settle for just securing this one so I don't have a repeat customer, if someone did take it.