Best friends own a 2017 GD Imagine. Wife and I have a 2016 Jayco Whitehawk. Both are parked next to each other at the same seasonal CG since new. They have had a leak under the kitchen sink on a supply line and peeling crown molding trim in multiple spots where the factory staples don’t hold. Neither problem was a big deal and both were easily fixed. They also had their a/c unit replaced under warranty, but that is not GD’s problem (Dometic). And yes, we grumble every year about the GD’s lousy hose system design for sucking in the pink antifreeze when winterizing. Other than that, they have been fault-free for 2 full seasons of every weekend use (50+ nights / yr). For comparison, our Jayco is 1 more season older and gets used an additional 25+ nights / yr than their GD. On ours, we discovered a stress fracture on the plastic wheel well cover from our initial tow and a very similar water supply leak under a sink. Theirs looks and feels “nicer” as far as colors and fabrics go. Ours seems a bit less trouble-prone and more functionally designed. As I like to say, Jayco just seems to “get it” when it comes to how things work for my tastes and “do my own” maintenance and repairs lifestyle. None of this means one is any better than the other. We all agree there are things in each other’s TT’s that we would like in our own, but neither couple would trade one for the other.