DaSu wrote:
We bought a used Starcraft pop up pickup camper . I have noticed several times after I have raised the roof and the material spreads out , where it attaches to the roof part, the material comes loose from the groove that is suppose to hold it in .The material works it way out of the groove in some areas. All I have to do is work it back into the grove and it is back in place until next time . My question is this , is this material held in place by a clamping procedure or what? Have you ever had experience with this and if so how did you repair the problem Thanks in advance . Life is Good
I had this problem on my Palomino,but it was made worse by the poor
QC and strip of wood that held the grove was crooked and one of the screws came out and left a 1/4 inch gap in the right corner.
repaired it once and now have to tear into it again.These things happen usually after warranty up.