Forum Discussion

iwon415's avatar
Sep 30, 2015

Real life gas numbers

Probably not of interest to anyone but truck campers but thought I would post anyway.

2006 Ford F250 5.4L gasser
2013 EagleCap 850

3 week vacation
2,906 miles

Most expensive gas Enterprise, Oregon $3.05 gallon
Least expensive gas Covington, Washington $2.21 gallon

Total gas 313.007 gallons
Total price $824.12

Averaged 9.284 mpg. (used to get closer to 10, haven't figured out if the truck is aging, the new camper is heavier, or both...any thoughts?)

28 1/2 cents a mile.

2 State Fairs, 1 train ride, 1 jet boat ride, 1 stage play, 11 bears sighted, 1 visit with cousins, 1 tram ride, numerous other smaller adventures.

So I guess for a little over 28 cents a mile, it was priceless!!!