bnardini wrote:
Another way to deal with the glass tray in the microwave is stuff a pillow in it. Works great!
I found a wicker basket that is just a bit smaller than the inside dimensions of the microwave. We keep fruit and granola bars in it. It goes in the microwave during travel, out on the counter when camping.
We specifically looked for a rear kitchen plan, after renting several different trailers to see what we liked. I like being able to pop in and out to get something (9 times out of 10, need something from the kitchen). The door is near the rear also, and I like having the busiest part of the trailer farther from the bed/bath area. More private.
The counters, fridge, cabinets and table are all accessible when the slide is in. Couldn't get to the bed or bath though. Never had the doors pop open. The drawers do come out though (I could fix that).
I love and prefer the rear kitchen.