poguelife wrote:
llowllms wrote:
If you decide on a camera and mount it and see someone tail gating what are your options? If you are rear ended they will be charged at fault and the camera will not stop them from the practice. Even rear view cameras on motor homes are primarily designed to keep an eye on a towed vehicle verses following traffic. I would be more concerned about what is in front of me rather than that in the rear.
Sorry, I dont quite follow the logic here... The more aware you are of your surroundings, the better all your driving decisions will be. We make many "micro-decisions" every moment we drive. I don't think it would serve anyone for me to belabour that point with many examples. By that logic why use rearview mirrors at all?
Tell us what you would do if someone is tailgating. I don't see how you can concentrate on what is going on behind you and be aware of what's ahead.