I also suspect that there is something else in our backgrounds that shapes our opinions on this topic, and that is the hundred+ years of driving history in our society. Never before, save the most recent years, have we had the technology of small, affordable cameras... and so we have learned over the decades how to drive our vehicles as safely as we can, using only side view mirrors and accepting that you simply can't see "through" a trailer in tow. But if that paradigm is (and has) been broken, then perhaps its time to challenge the old way of doing things and consider what intuitively makes sense: that awareness of what is behind you can assist your driving* *(if done properly!)
On a different but related topic, I recently read an article discussing a new way to properly set up side-mirrors. It challenged the conventional notion of how to set them up, and instead asked the driver to set them up looking further out and not along the body of the car; at first this feels weird but in practice it reduces or in some cases eliminates the blind spot. Times change, new ideas come into the mix, and VERY often a lot of the new ideas aren't as good as the time-tested techniquest that work. Every once in a while though, a new idea comes out that improves how we do things. These rear-view cameras may, or may not, be such an example.
...interesting thing is, this whole topic will be eclipsed in a few years, once vehicles are able to drive themselves!