Forum Discussion

Cardinals's avatar
Jul 23, 2019

Recent Trip/Prior Slide Out Issue

About two months ago I had posted about a slide out issue we had, the slide out retracted so slowly that I was afraid it would get stuck. A few of you posted about power issues and I took all those into account as well as the battery. When we arrived at Bailey's in Scarborough ME I was setting up the unit and someone from Seacoast RV drove by after a repair to another unit. I stopped the person, he came over, got under the unit and said 'you need grease, these are all dry"! So, I went to WalMart, got the grease he recommended and applied it. When we left yesterday all is well.

Also on this trip we had an issue with a "trailer wiring message" on my truck display screen, had a bolt break off on a bar that supports the grey water tank, and had to replace a tire. However, we were in Maine and we had great time.

Word of the day "Grease:

If you are ever in Scarborough or Old Orchard Beach area in Maine, stop in and see Seacoast RV, great people.

Safe travels.
  • I will look at what it was called, but as best I can remember is was White Lithouem (sp?) something....
  • Might I suggest lubricant over grease. You didn't mention what he recommended, but someone might take the word grease too literally. Coat your slides in say bearing grease and it will collect every piece of dirt and gravel you drive over.

    I like the Teflon dry lube on the slides. Works well and doesn't collect dirt.