pianotuna wrote:
I use oil filled heaters. They often have three heat ranges. They are possibly safer than other heaters. I do heat 100% electrically, even at -37 c (-34 f).
600W, 900W, 1500W is the typical "heat ranges" of oil filled heaters.
The problem is using 600W heat range in a RV at very LOW temperatures is no better than using say a candle for heat..
For that to work you must be WILLING to put up keeping the RV AT A LOWER TEMP.
OP is not going to "keep" a RV at at say 70 degrees when it is 0 F with 600W of electric heat, nope, not going to happen.
Typical RVs have very little insulation, R3 is pretty much standard issue and if I remember correctly, Piano you did "modify" with more insulation in your RV for the extreme weather camping you do..
I have used a oil filled heater in my RV when I was rebuilding it, took every bit of 1500W to keep it at 60 F when the outdoor temps were at 32F-40 F..
The second issue the OP has is most likely that circuit they are plugging in to is most likely SHARED somewhere else in the house they are trying to use..
They need to find a second outlet on a DIFFERENT CIRCUIT at the house to run the heater from..
Not sure the home owner will be happy when they get that electric bill, might as well just set the electric heater outside and heat the world..