Forum Discussion

Ralph091's avatar
Oct 02, 2016

Refrigerator Problem

I have an older 2004 trailer, the refrigerator runs on AC voltage and Propane. It works just fine when the trailer is plugged into AC power but does not work when I turn on the gas. I do not have any instructions regarding anything in the trailer.

When I first turned on the gas the check lite came on and I realized the trailer was not level so I leveled it and the lite did not come on the second time I turned on the gas.

But again the refer did not work and after the 4th time trying to get it to come on the check lite came on again So I checked that the trailer was properly leveled. I also checked the tanks and the gas was turned on at the tank and the manifold lever was open to that tank. Checked the Stove; furnace & water heater and all worked fine.

Put it on Auto and again the check lite came on, left it overnight and today turned it on and put it on auto and no check lite on today but still so far appears not to be working. Have tried for 3 days to get it to work without any luck. But the check lite came back on the last time I tried to turn on the refer. with gas.

Have no idea what may be wrong, anyone have any ideas.

Was going to go on 2 trips one this month for 10 to 14 days and one in November for about 10 days but not sure now with this problems.
  • Ralph091 wrote:
    What does the check lite come on for? I have no instructions to read, that"s why I presumed the check lite was letting me know it was to large an angle for the propane to operate the refer properly.

    'Check' is just an indicator that the propane FAILED to ignite or prove that main flame ignited.
    It only comes on when attempts to light propane have failed.
    Usually 3 attempts then 'check' and no more propane attempts until fridge has been turned OFF then back ON to clear 'lock out'

    IN 'AUTO' fridge works on AC .....then will swap to GAS if AC power is lost and back to AC when power is restored.

    What Model is fridge?
  • Forum member Chris Bryant has provided service manuals for various RV appliances. The list is here
  • What does the check lite come on for? I have no instructions to read, that"s why I presumed the check lite was letting me know it was to large an angle for the propane to operate the refer properly.
  • just a note, the check lite doesn't come on because it's out of level.
  • If you have not had gas turned on for aome time it is very possible there is air in the system. Turn the gas on and try to light a stove top burner. Once you have a good flame. Turn it off and try to light the refer. If it does not go, possible the control board is bad
  • I would check that there are no obstructions in the gas tube and burner tubes accessed from the outside compartment. Spiders seem to love the smell of propane and will build their webs in those tubes and prevent the gas from flowing properly. Maybe just a good blowing out with compressed air would do the job or run a small brush through them, or both.

    I have a 2004 unit also and have blown out mine several times although that was done as a preventive measure. I have never had a problem with mine not running. Mine will often sit unused for a month or longer at times.
  • Do you have good 12V power at the fridge's circuit board? The fridge needs 12V to operate on propane.