Grit dog wrote:
ShinerBock wrote:
Cummins and many other manufacturers will lower the price on something when they have a recall on it so they don't have to pay so much in claims. I remember when Delco Remy had a massive starter recall and they dropped the price from $1,200 to $500. When the recall was over it shot back up to $1,200 over night.
My current cost on that pump from Cummins is $37.60 and I sell it for $46.90 to a regular walk-in customer and $39.86 to a large fleet. The light duty market in general has much higher margins than the medium/heavy duty market. The average GP for the light duty market is somewhere around 50-60% versus 20-30% in the medium/ heavy duty market.
This is why I tell people with Cummins engines to get their parts from a medium/heavy duty dealership. All they need is their engine serial number and any of these dealers will be able to look up any part on their engine.
So you proved my point. Cummins waterpumps are only that cheap if you have the '13-new model pickup. Good deal for those folks, most of which only need one because theirs went TU prematurely.
I agree that the car dealer is 9 of 10 times the highest price place to buy parts and often a complete ripoff, but to say as a general matter of course you can get a OE Cummins waterpump for $50 is not a point worth arguing with someone about because that one model of pump is a special deal. Correct?
Oh, sorry I was not arguing over it. I was just informing how it was where I work. Sorry if it came off as arguing. If you PM you serial number of you 5.9L, I can look up the dealer cost of the pump for you.