Get a new certified tested good as new alternator in my mitts and go out to slap it on.
Get er jambed in there. 1 bolt started, 2nd bolt...not quite there, mustn't be lined up, push, pull, pry, hit it with the wrench, nope bolt #2 ain't going all the way thru. Weird I think.
Pull it out and see that it was apparently dropped before it was certified, tested and re painted good as new and the aluminum flange was smushed a little and the bolt wouldn't go thru.
Fark! Well, I'm 15 yards from the front door to the lower mainland dist facility. That's like 13.1 meters for our northern friends ...
Head in, show the lady, ask if they have a drill to ream it out, she says Oh No, we'll get you a new one. Ok cool. 10 min later someone skate boards in from 3 acres away in the dist warehouse with another one.
Ok, getting late, game in Chiliwack coming up, grab the new new one. (Not to be confused with the old new one with the smashed ear or the old old new one with the bad vr.).
Run out, slap it on, tighten everything up, double check, cause now I'm in a hurry, put the intake hose back on, fire up the snack wagon and all kinds of weird noises come from the engine!!
sht! **** it off, take a look, did I leave a wrench stuck in the fan blades or something? Nope, all clear.
Have wife start the engine again, while I stare at it acutely.
There, it's the new new alternator! Pulley is all bent to he!! And trying to eat the belt and the bearings in it sound like a playing card in bicycle spokes!