Dave H M wrote:
I have had great results with reman stuff from ORiley's. keep the lifetime slip in the glove box. Never had to use one. :h
Think it's luck O the draw, honestly. Thank god I was replacing alternators and not playing blackjack at the casino yesterday, or my luck would have left me on the curb with a "Will work for Food" sign!
I've had good luck with a few re-man parts in recent years (recent being 10 or so). Although I typically try to not rock the remans in vehicles I intend to rely on, they find their way onto some of our vehicles.
So although Nappy Auto Parts claims to not carry "new" alternators for this model, after doing more research than I care to for a simple OE replacement part, this morning, seems, maybee Autozone does? Of course there are a host of "suppliers" but $99 off the interwebs is about as good as the junk I received, guessing.
Anyway, the snack wagon runs again and Napa is getting closer to my do not call list.