Forum Discussion

Ramblin__Ralph's avatar
May 29, 2021

Remove mini blinds in 2001 Lance?

Need to clean the mini blinds on my 2001 Lance 845. Did it a long time ago, but don't remember how I got them out. I stuck a fiber optic camera up inside the valence and below is what it looks like. I'm not sure if the photo shows what's holding the blinds. Any tips would be appreciated. Would like to get blinds out w/o removing valance, if possible.

  • Success! Without taking off the valence, I pushed and pulled on the correct parts of one bracket and the blinds came out!! Now I just hope I can get them back in after cleaning them. They are in the bathtub now. :)

  • I did this once in 13 years but I seem to remember that the valance has to be removed. look up under them and you will probably find at least one phillips head screws holding the valance to brackets that will require a long screwdriver bit to remove. Testing my memory.
  • Thanks, sure looks like what I have! From seller pics looks like piece w/o holes is what rotates out to allow blind removal. From my pic looks like something (maybe valence) would block rotation. Will find out tomorrow. :)

    Thanks again,
  • looks like many mini blind brackets, on side pivots open to remove header
    Bing/google mini blind brackets for pics