Forum Discussion

LynnandCarol's avatar
Nov 21, 2013

Replacement Trailer Keys

We lost a set of keys to our trailer and are using our backup set. Can we get these key copies made anywhere, or are they a specialty item???
  • Most rv trailer keys can be replaced at hardwear stores etc. If they don't handle the blanks you need then a local lock shop should have them. I've replaced mine (set of five keys) more than once and one time while on the road.
  • First, check with local locksmith, to see if they can make copies. They may or may not have the blanks.

    There are several sellers on eBay, who have blanks for the various RV locks. Some will cut them, if you provide the code. Go on eBay and do a search for "RV key blanks".

    Last time I had keys made, I purchased the blanks on eBay, and got them cut at a local hardware store.
  • I was cleaning out under our kitchen sink a few weeks ago and noticed that the manufacturer had zip tied a spare key for the door on the drain trap. You might check to see if you have the same thing.

    I thought that was a really good idea, so I also attached a cargo and generator key there also.
  • There should be a number stamped on your keys. A dealer should be able to order them, but the manufacturer may be less expensive. We got an extra set as a courtesy just by calling with the numbers on the keys.
  • I needed to get an extra set also.... could not get them anywhere local so I called KZ... 3 days later I had 2 extra sets at my door..
  • I had to go to a local RV dealer to have my door keys made. The CH751 key for the compartments can be purchased or made many places.