This is the first I have ever heard of this antenna... It appears it has a built-in pre-amp

I have both the BATWING and JACK antenna on two different applications here. The BATWING works great for picking up the OTA Natl Broadcast digtial HDTV signals from the local towns on my OFF-ROAD POPUP. My BATWING has the UHF dipoles and looks like this but is mounted on a stationary pole up the side of my POPUP... No complaints at all...

My JACK antenna is used at my house location and also does a good job picking up the OTA Natl Broadcast digital HDTV signals from the local town. Mine is mounted on a stationary PVC pole up the side of the house about 15-feet in the air. On the house mount I don't require to rotate the antenna.

You hear alot of good results from RV'ers on using the JACK antenna. I would probably get this version which doesn't have to be extended up but still rotates from inside the trailer. If your other antenna is close to the air conditioner on the roof this might not be a good place to use the JACK that might get blocked by the tall air conditioner roof unit.

Just some of my thoughts
Roy Ken