diver110 wrote:
About what year would you say that gas engines “caught up?”
When gasoline engines of last decade can last several hundreds thousands miles, they are still no match to modern diesel when it comes to pulling torque.
But new technology comes with new emission standards and DPF, DEF, fluid intercoolers is stuff even advanced mechanics have hard time to learn about.
Bottom line, if you are not familiar with diesels- getting it now is not good starting point. You will have much easier life with gasoline engine... unless you won't make it to next gas station.
Than new gasoline engines have lot of new technology who breaks as well.
But that's what warranties are for.
Even I am die-hard DIY automotive hobbyist and have been always driving good vehicles for cheap, since I could fix them, when I retired and was planning our dream vacations - I went for new truck with warranty.