I have the 19.5/7.5" Vision rims.
I went from 16" E2 (3400?) rated tires to Toyo 265/70 608z's (5600).
I had considered the Michlins however wanted a more aggressive tread. (cost might of been an issue as well, I forget what I was quoted)
I looked at the HanKook DH01's in a 245/70 size but finally settled on the Toyo's in a 245/70 size. While I was ordering them at LesSchwab I found that the 265's we a mere $20 more (per tire) - couldent pass up on that!
While my truck has 4.11 gearing the 34.4" tires lower the ratio quite a bit (forget, there is a online website that will calculate it for you).
I'm happy with the tires (no more sway) however if I were to do it again I may go for more of a road tread and 245/70 to get a little gearing back. My Toyo's will likely outlive me!