skipro3 wrote:
I really don't care if it's Costco or Les Schwab....
I have been running 19.5's for a long time and I have yet to come across any automotive tire shop that really understands these
truck wheels and tires. In order to be round and run smooth these tires need to be match-mounted and load-force balanced. I suggest that you find a competent shop with a Hunter 9700 balancer... and staff that knows how to use it. I originally bought mine from America's Tire and after installation my truck shook so bad that it was all but undrivable! After re-mounting and balancing at a
local performance shop the ride was (harsh, but) smooth as silk.
It sounds like you're already aware of your Ram truck's front end weaknesses. The (much) heavier wheels & tires are only going to accelerate wear and reveal any front end issues that may be there already. If you haven't already addressed these things, this is a good time to replace your ball joints with a heavy duty set (Carli or DynaTrac), install a heavy duty track bar, add a DSS steering stabilizer, and do the 2008 steering linkage upgrade.