stsmark wrote:
valhalla360 wrote:
garyemunson wrote:
No one even mentioned that you can always make your own EV fuel with solar on the roof of your house. Pretty hard to drill an oil well and put up a refinery in your back yard.
So add an extra $10-20k to the cost for a rooftop system capable of generating 20-30kwh per day...oops, the truck is parked at work during the day, so you need a really long extension cord.
Not so easy or cheap for a typical user to use solar to charge the truck.
Exactly, and please don’t say my Powerwall will charge it at night. I have neighbor who did the whole package, Solar roof, double Powerwall at 36kw capacity, Model 3. The problem is the car has a 78 kw battery iirc. That pesky math got in the way.
His home package was purchased prior to the price jump, it is one that ate Teslas lunch took 4 Tesla installers 6 weeks to do it. With incentives the house was 62k.
Forgot to add the roof was sold with an 11k daily output during peak sun days.
So, he used 78 kWh a day in his car? Was it a cab? That’s like 500 kilometres.