You really need to do your homework and decide for your self, what your getting for your money. Pull out drawers and look behind them, stick your head in cupboards and see how their built, get up on the roof and see what the seams look like, crawl on your belly underneath and see how its welded/bolted whatever. Once you start to get dirty and look at about 15 different brands you'll then know what is good and what is only adequate, and what you're paying for.
You can ask the question you just asked of any brand and you will rarely find someone that will say they were stupid and bought a piece of junk. If they own it - they like it.
And besides that, Rockwood makes different levels of products, some better then others, and some lots better. Don't take shortcuts, get dirty and get your education the hard way. Know what your buying, before you plunk your money down.