wkm4200 wrote:
Thanks for the reply. I am alone at this point BUT hope to find a woman who will enjoy camping as well. I decided on the pop-up because of the gas difference. It is cheeper as well. I put in a credit app with Lazydays for the HW 296 Rockwood. I hope to use it allot as I am retired now. I know it will be more work setup and take down, but the price of gas has got me. Thanks Bill M
I have never met an older hybrid that didn't have rot somewhere.
I had a 31 fter travel trailer and my brother in law had a pop up. We got to a campground within a few minutes if each other. He was 100% set up and sipping on a Coke and I was still fiddling with my camper. :(.
I thought he was just fast so he let me set the camper up. It went up Super fast. The cranking isn't bad at all. If you can make a bed you can pull out a bunk end. It's NO problem at all.
Enjoy whatever you decide on.