wkm4200 wrote:
Thanks, I have been told by my Ram dealer that my truck can pull just over 10,000 LB. So If I find a camper under 8000 I should be just fine. was at the RV show over the weekend and saw a 5th wheel KZ Sportsman S265RK. I am alone at this point so not as much added weight .
I have some lake front property I want to sell you also. Believe me, I'll be letting you have it for a bargain even if others think it's swamp property.
Hate to tell you, but your dealer lied!!
Also no way you could ever pull a 5th wheel with a 1/2 ton Ram and not be overloaded.
I just spelled it all out for you but your going to listen to a used car salesman that profits off of his lies to you.