Forum Discussion

salem10's avatar
May 27, 2014

Roof Color

As I maintain my trailer and clean the roof I have noticed the white color is slowly fading. Do I need to be concerned?

LaGrange Georgia
  • salem10 wrote:
    As I maintain my trailer and clean the roof I have noticed the white color is slowly fading. Do I need to be concerned

    If colours become whitish as they fade, what does white fade to ...? :h

    Just kidding with you of course, but for some reason what you said seemed funny.
  • Ron3rd's avatar
    Explorer III
    salem10 wrote:

    Should I recoat the white or seal?


    Recoating is generally used on very old roofs. How old is your rig? Most likely you just need to go over the seams with some Dicor self-leveling caulk.
  • Ron3rd's avatar
    Explorer III
    salem10 wrote:
    Thank you for the responses. I keep an eye on all seams and apply new sealant where needed. The only thing I have noticed looks like a bubble. Should this be filled?


    Unless it's, huge, I would not worry about it. I had a few small bubbles on my old trailer.
  • Thank you for the responses. I keep an eye on all seams and apply new sealant where needed. The only thing I have noticed looks like a bubble. Should this be filled?

  • Ron3rd's avatar
    Explorer III
    Color change is normal, be more concerned about keeping all the seals in good shape.
  • No.

    At the 10 year mark, I checked all of the seams and discovered a couple of cracks in the sealant. I resealed the seams. Now the roof is 20 years old and I just had the whole roof sealed with a two step process product. Should be good for another 10 years.
  • salem10 wrote:
    As I maintain my trailer and clean the roof I have noticed the white color is slowly fading. Do I need to be concerned?

    LaGrange Georgia
    The white is designed to chalk. The chalk is a 100% effective sunscreen for the virgin roof under it.

    Washing of roofs did not used to be recommended by Dicor. In fact their website frowned on the practice.
    But they kept getting requests on how to do it.
    So they recognized a business opportunity and came out with products and new guidelines.
    FWIW. It is made by Carlise for Dicor. Carlise is the largest supplier it for the commercial building market.... They don't wash roofs.

    Washing off the chalk simply exposes fresh material to the elements, which is subsequently washed away etc.