Holy cow! Roof leaks are a pain. The biggest thing I would tell you is that it's critically important to make sure it's dry under there before you seal it up or, you're in for a long term series of downward spiraling aggravations. Just me here.. I'd cut out everything that has become unbonded and let it thoroughly dry out in there. Get a big tarp at Harbor Freight if you have to and cover the camper. It's easier to do it when it's hot and dry outside. When exposed to the hot sun it dries really good and thorough. Let it dry a couple of days. Then evaluate the wood. Make a decision on replacement, partial replacement, etc.. Then cover it with a piece of EPDM or something like Eternabond tape. It needs to be sealed up completely dry. Water trapped under the Etarnabond will make the not-so-eterna-bond fail. If your roof is EPDM, and it probably is, only use compliant products. No silicone and no roofing materials from the local hardware store. Liquid EPDM rubber is a possibility. I have used it with some success. It's peculiar to the surface you're applying it too and, like I said before, if there's any moisture getting trapped you'll be wasting your time with it. The most critical issue is drying out that moisture completely. If you're working with a bone dry surface everything goes pretty easy.