Go to the manufactures website and they will have detailed instructions on cleaning your roof… EPDM rubber roofs are already UV stable and need no treatment and some treatments are more damaging than helpful, even though advertised for RV roofs…
You need to make sure what you have first… EPDM or TPO… the manufactures instructions and recommendation might be different for both products…
I use, Spic And Span Extra Strength Powder… it’s the same Spic and Span Granma used to use…
For those times when a liquid just won’t do, Spic and Span Sun Fresh powder—straight out of the box or diluted—safely handles your toughest cleaning jobs. Stubborn stains on walls, floors, kitchen surfaces, outdoor furniture, grills, sidewalks and other outdoor surfaces—none of them can compete with Spic and Span Extra Strength Powder! Available in 27 oz. boxes.
Sounds like a commercial :)
I have always used automotive soap on the roof but I bought a new camper a few weeks ago and will give liquid spic and span a try. I wash my roof probably 4-5x/year.