Forum Discussion

LoudDog's avatar
Sep 07, 2015

Rubber roof questions

I've had RV's for for a few years now and never put much thought into it or had any problems, but I want to be sure I'm taking care of my rubber roof properly.

1. I know you are not supposed to use anything harsh to clean it, i just use the car wash shampoo i use on my cars and a soft brush. I do it once or twice a year. Is this okay?

2. What should I look for when I inspect? Obviously tears is a problem and be sure the sealant all looks good. I do have a few wear spots where the tv antenna sits and a few areas where there are bubbles. Are those problems or future problems?

3. regarding the wear spots under the antenna, is there anything I should do to keep it from getting worse?
  • Just follow the mfgs recommendations in your manual.

    I wash mine once in the spring and then again in the fall before I put it away for the winter.Per my manual, I just use a mild dish soap and soft brush with an extension handle.

    I might not totally alleviate black streaks, but it sure will slow them down from forming. But if you keep you trailer waxed, what little black streaks you may have, will come right off with a normal washing.
  • Look up Dicor rubber roof cleaner and recoat product. They go together. The reviews are are all positive.
  • No need to wash the roof, other than to make you feel better. All it does is give the birds a cleaner target to aim for or make your trailer look a little bit better on Google Earth. Doesn't help the roof, doesn't make it last longer, doesn't prevent black streaks.

    Roof conditioner is a scam to make you spend money. The manufacturer doesn't recommend any conditioners. Some people started looking for products to put on their roof to make themselves feel better, so the manufacturer created a product to fill that void. It doesn't extend your roof life and doesn't help with black streaks. All it does it put more money in the pockets of a chemical company somewhere. If it makes you feel better, pick any roof conditioner at random and spray/wipe it on.

    Inspect the seams and make sure the caulk is in good order. I just use Eternabond tape. Install it correctly once and you are good for the life of the trailer (or 20 years, whatever comes first). Get on your roof once a year and inspect and you are done.

    Like wildtoad said, put a piece of Eternabond tape under the antenna where its rubbing, that will solve your problem for a long time.
  • Thanks, sounds like I'm okay. I was thinking some sort of tape for the wear spots but not sure what to use.

    Sealant and edges all look good, no tears.
  • 1) yes this is ok. You can also add a bit of bleach to help get rid of any mold or mildew. Be sure to rinse a lt. My roof manufacturer doesn't recommend any conditioners, just clean it from time to time.

    2) check for caulking drying out, lifting at the edges and reapply as needed. Not much you can do for bubbles in the material as far as I know. Watch for rips or tears and seal with eternabond tape. If the wear marks from the antenna cause you concern, then a small piece of the same tape may be helpful.
  • I use regular car soap to wash my rubber roof, then use a conditioner I buy from wal-mart specifically for rubber roofs. Also the wearing of the antenna on your roof will eventually cause a problem. What I did was use some caulk where the antenna hits the roof.