Forum Discussion

Lancey's avatar
Jan 25, 2019

Rv lien checks

Another question for you guys, how would I go about doing a lien check when buying a unit from the USA, or is it even nesasery? In Canada for cars its no problem, just a phone call. Not sure how liens work down south? Is it even somthing I need to worry about?

  • We got a signed Certificate of Origin and a bill of sale when we bought our Lance 845 new at an auction (Lance warrenty included). We made a copy and still hold the original too. We are not required plates for a TC in Florida. So, a bill of sale is sufficient to sell. I have no clue how to check for lien, altho, if a lien is on any RV or TC, I'd expect it to show at the registry.

    I recently transferred to a Florida plate for my cargo trailer (bought in Mass a few years ago,) and the Registry only required a Certificate of Registration in Mass to issue new plate. She went on the Mass RMV site to look for liens and valid Registration in my name. Came up clean, so she handed me a new plate for some $$$ ... took five minutes.

    That means to me that RMVs have ability to verify or check for liens. My guess if she found a lien, we'd have had to clear it before she'd issue new plate ...
  • I have seller's title on my Fleetwood even it is useless on West Coast.
    But I would be carefull buying in states where title is required and seller doesn't present it.
    It is possible somebody can sell the camper for cash while there is loan on it.
    I assume campers in states with no registration can't be financed, but that might be worth checking as well.
  • ‘It depends... since many states do not require registration for TRUCK CAMPERS, no title may be available for sale. All of my campers were bought and sold without a title... only an owner written bill of sale.”

    Maine also does not title truck campers, just a bill of sale
  • Some states have a system you can run it through for a small fee. Arizona has one. Not sure about the others. I recently bought a camper and it had a lien on it. The sellers included a lien release that was originally signed and notarized by the bank and I had no problem getting a title certificate for it, but of course I was nervous.

    In theory there's no such thing as a "secret lien," but in reality that can prove to not be the case. Short of buying from a dealer, I'm not sure you can ever be 100% sure.
  • d3500ram wrote:
    It depends... since many states do not require registration for TRUCK CAMPERS, no title may be available for sale. All of my campers were bought and sold without a title... only an owner written bill of sale.

    I did have one purchaser question a legitimacy of ownership. I had a bonafide document with VIN attached to my name by virtue of having insurance coverage. It quenched any fears on his behalf that I was in fact the legitimate owner.

    Right, in Canada they are just considered "cargo" so no plate or registration. This Particular camper is coming from wa and I do know it has a plate. Its a 2005, so I have a hard time believing that someone still owes $ on it, but its not outside realm of possibility lol
  • It depends... since many states do not require registration for TRUCK CAMPERS, no title may be available for sale. All of my campers were bought and sold without a title... only an owner written bill of sale.

    I did have one purchaser question a legitimacy of ownership. I had a bonafide document with VIN attached to my name by virtue of having insurance coverage. It quenched any fears on his behalf that I was in fact the legitimate owner.
  • Unless the seller has title in hand it likely has a lien on it. Just sold my fiver. The title showed the lien holder but they had signed off on it then delivered the title to me.