Actually, this is the place right here! Just by asking questions on this website and reading lots of posts, I have learned a tremendous amount about towing mirrors, backing up, routine maintenance, camping tips, wheel chocks, modifications, destinations, water, gray water, black water, batteries, tires, blackout curtains, fridges, stoves, plumbing, water pumps, propane, roof repair, window repair, tow vehicles, safety, bedding, kitchen accessories, recipes, bugs, solar power, generators, etc. You get the idea -- I am sure there are more categories but I can't remember them all.
The only rules are these: there are no dumb questions. Better to ask than to make an expensive misteak. Ignore the occasional rude flamer who criticizes you for asking questions -- most of us here are anxious to help -- we remember what it was like to be a clueless newbie. And don't try to do everything at once. Start slow, be patient with yourself and your family, and have a sense of humor.