If you are looking for a good used TT, take a trip down to PPL, it is on 59 south at Beltway 8 in Sugarland. They have several hundred trailers for sale. If you're not interested in used at least this would give you an opportunity to a see a large selection and get a better idea of what you are looking for. I ended up buying new from Holiday World in Katy. I also made a huge mistake by buying more TT than my TV could handle and had to upgrade to an F-250 over my F-150. Some people may have stayed with the F-150, but I was just barely over the weight limit and I didn't feel comfortable putting my family in that situation. An RV TT is a whole new ball game in towing if you never have towed one before. Don't be like me and spend way to much by not knowing exactly what type of TT to get to match your TV.
Good Luck.