twxsby89 wrote:
Do yall buy the special RV TP? When we picked up or TT, they told me I must use only the RV TP, but I have also been told by other veteran RVers that it is not necessary.
Pretty much a well beaten dead horse.
You CAN use any brand you wish as long as it is "septic safe", what that means is the TP will breakdown easily in water instead of staying in a sheet form.
More importantly is PROPERLY FLUSHING.
Even if you use the specialty RV 1ply stuff there is no guaranty of no problems if you fail to use ENOUGH WATER.
RV toilets are designed to flush with the most absolute minimum of water.. That lack of water is where problems start.
You need to make sure you use enough water to get the TP down the bowl and PAST the "blades" at the bottom of the bowl BEFORE you close the blades (you don't want TP get caught in the blades)..
But even more important is to allow some extra water to run into the tank to help break up the "lump".. Failure to do this WILL result in the dreaded "pyramid"..
Make sure you have the black tank drain valve CLOSED.
You NEED the tank to fill up and if you leave the tank drain open you will allow all the liquid (which is NEEDED to empty the tank of solids) to drain out. That will leave the solids behind and they will eventually turn into one big lump..
Only when the tank NEEDS emptied do you want to open the black tank drain.
Here is how I go about it..
I carry disposable rubber gloves when dealing with the dumping process, just makes for a bit easier to ensure my health will not be compromised.
Camping a week at a time I will only need to empty my black tank before I leave the campground..
1) I will add water to the black tank until it is about half full.
2) I will then add water to the grey tank (close grey tank valve if open), half to 3/4.
3) Making sure I have drain hose FIRMLY or WELL connected to a sewer line (you may wish to put a weight on the drain hose at the sewer connection to make SURE the hose end does not get loose!).
4) Once drain hose is taken care of I will open the black tank drain valve. Allow contents to drain (may take a while).
5) Close valve once I do not hear any movement.
6) I will then pick up the hose at the valve (still connected) and work my way to the sewer connection. This helps to move and clear any solids that may have stopped in the hose.
7) Then I will open the black valve and wait to see if any more liquid enters the hose. Repeat steps 5-7 once or twice.
8) making sure black tank valve is closed I will then open the grey tank valve. Allow to drain until no more movement is heard and close drain valve.
9) pick up drain hose like step 6.
10) when all liquid has drained close the grey tank and make sure black tank valve is closed and remove the hose (being careful to not allow tank end to drop to ground in case of any leftover contents).
11) Now I will raise the tank end and gather the hose into the air a bit towards the sewer connection (this allows you to drain any leftover liquid into the sewer).
12) once cleared of any liquid I will take some fresh water and dump into the drain hose (typically I am able to hold the tank end of the hose WELL UNDER a campground faucet and allow the water to fall into the drain hose, under no circumstances should you allow the drain hose touch a potable (drinking water) faucet).
13) Empty drain hose into the sewer then gather up my hose and put it into my storage container.. I have a storage bin which is specifically marked for storing the drain hose.