Forum Discussion

jpmyers's avatar
Sep 12, 2020

RV Water heater

Our New TT (May-2020) has a Electric/Propane water heater that has become very noisy lately. If only it were not right next to the bed. But it is and the 2' proximity with a very thin wall for seperation makes it difficult to sleep until it completes it's cycle.

Am I needing to clean the water heater out or change the annode? My ony experience is with home water heaters and I'm not sure what I need to do here.
  • 2edgesword wrote:
    If it's electric and propane run it on electric.

    Agree. No noise on electric. If the weather is cold we run the WH on both electric and propane at the same time to improve recovery rate. And the electric keeps the water hot enough that the propane never comes on unless we are using enough hot water at the time to require propane to help reheat the water. So no noise at night.
  • What Brand AND Model????
    ONLY Suburban uses an 'anode rod' ----NOT Atwood

    To drain/flush
    Turn water supply OFF
    Relieve system pressure by opening a Faucet Hot/Cold Sides-----leave it open
    Remove drain plug ---water WILL flow out emptying the WH Tank
    I turn water supply back on ---turn faucet off and let water Blast out WH TANK drain hole. CAUTION: Stand Back as it will BLAST out

    Turn water supply back off....install drain plug (new anode rod if Suburban) and open faucet hotside to bleed air out of plumbing system and allow WH Tank to fill.
    Water flows/no air from faucet-----done

    Nosey FLAME on water heater
    Atwood has an adjustable air shutter
    Suburban no air shutter so could be dirty orifice, dirty burner tube etc

    WHAT water heater do you have????
  • I’m not “afraid” of my TT water heater but I’ve never left it on, propane or electric, overnight. Yes, the fridge is on however. Fill and drain twice is the only flushing I’ve done, once a year or so.
  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    I never turn mine off when camping, but then mine isn't next to my bed, but if it were, I'd agree with the others and just turn it off before retiring.
    Do I assume it's only noisey when on propane ? I've never heard mine when on electric.
  • Sorry to be a pest but what is involved in cleaning out the water heater? Open the PSV and flush?
  • Maybe it needs cleaning or adjusting. Otherwise just turn it off at night.
  • Speaking for myself, I turn it off at night so I don't have to listen to it run.
    Water will stay hot for quite a while, and still plenty warm in the morning.
    I just flip the switch when I get up in the morning to make my first coffee and let it cycle.

    The anode is not related to the sound it makes running.