Forum Discussion

welsteach's avatar
Feb 27, 2014

S & S Campers still in business?

I have been looking for a four season truck camper for the DH and I to take to the lower 48, as our TT has too many axles to make the ferry cheap. We also want to be able to go some places that the TT doesn't fit. I looked at Lance, Bigfoot, Northern Lite, Eagle Cap and then hit on S&S campers. A used one is for sale in our neck of the woods. It has all the storage I could want and more, the configuration is great, and it is four seasons capable (important here in Alaska).

I can't find S&S online, and none of the campers seem to be older than 2010. Are they still in business? If so, anyone have information on where I can get a brochure?
  • Drove by there today on the way to the ski hill.

    They are open Tuesday - Friday. The contract work is keeping them going. They would be happy to build a TC for you. I've been getting supplies from them to fix some luan and battery compartment frame issues.
  • Last I heard, their web site would be down for a while--a long while. But they are still making campers, AFAIK. And if I were going to buy a TC, it would be an S&S.
  • I had a question about my S&S and called them last week because their website has said under construction for a few months. I believe it was Doug that I spoke to and he said they have been busy doing just about all commercial or govt special orders, and would probably not have the website back up until he can make some TC's to sell .
    So , it appears they are still in business, just limited to another direction right now. If you ever do get a chance to buy an S&S, especially a new one, you will be very satisfied. Well made unit.

  • As far as I know they're still in business in Kalispell, MT. You might give them a call at (406) 755-5080.