Forum Discussion

jornvango's avatar
Explorer II
Dec 15, 2013

Sagging in cab-over bed area -> how bad is this?

Well, it looks like we got what we paid for. We are going to take a road trip south of the border for a few months and wanted to buy an older, cheap TC for the trip. Since we're TC newbies, we're now finding out what can go wrong when you buy one of those ...

As usual, the seller answered a firm 'no' on my question if it had any water leaks or rot.
Now that I'm preparing the TC here for the trip, I noticed the carpet in the cab-over bed looks pretty new ... too new to be original. I pulled it up and found a lot of paper-thin particle board, however, I don't think it's rotten (with my extremely limited knowledge). I pulled up some of the particle board and saw the original 'real' wooden pieces underneath which I also don't think are rotten.

However, see the attached picture: it shows the cab-over area sagging in the middle. Some of the screws in the center seem are loose and I can basically push them back into the camper with my finger.

In light of our upcoming 3 month trip ... what is my best option?

1) ignore this, you won't fall through the floor when sleeping


2) this is bad: the supporting wood floor is probably rotten and you need to replace this immediately


3) it's OK, just screw some bigger screws in the middle seem to hold it together and put some caulking on the seem

Thanks :)

  • putting good wood over rotten wood isn't a fix. your going to need to see if you can replace structure and fix it right or start over with something in better shape.
  • Buyer beware yes. We should have been smarter and pay an RV repair guy or someone with experience to go with us.
    At this point we feel frustrated and like we threw $6,000 money away.

    I'll pick up the carpet and try to see how bad it is underneath the plywood.
    Is there a fix that is an option, as in put a piece of thick wood board in the entire cab-over bed area?
  • see those round brown marks thats a leak if its saging its to late pull it apart and see if its fixable . if not I got a .357 mag you can put it out of its pain. no I would not trust it ,you,ll bumping down the road and it could be in your windshield.
  • best fix it or you will be sleeping on the truck cab.More screws in rotten is not a fix.