jaycocreek wrote:
I guess some have the, what we don't know about our water won't hurt us,attitude......
Then you better not read the article I posted about the frequency of Legionella in RV water!
I have a friend who is recovering from Legionella. He got really sick and was hospitalized for several weeks. He did not get it from an RV but that does not mean exposure to contaminated RV water is safe.
Sanitizing an RV water system is cheap, quick and easy. I don't understand why anyone would skip that before taking a trip. For those who are full timing it might not be necessary, provided the RV is in continuous use and the water source is chlorinated. Even as a full timer, I visited relatives and did not use the RV continuously. In remote forest service areas, the water was often not chlorinated. Again, sanitizing even for a full timer can make sense.