My garden hoses are black and gray currently. Is that as bad as green? Lol.
Worse...ha ha
32 garden hoses from 6 national retailers (including The Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Amazon) were tested for lead, cadmium, phthalates, bromine (associated with brominated flame retardants); PVC plastic; antimony, and tin (indicating organotins). Water from select hoses was also tested. Such chemicals have been linked to birth defects, impaired learning, liver toxicity, premature births and early puberty in laboratory animals, and hormone disruption, among other serious health problems. Results were released today at
What Was Found in the Water
Half of the hoses (3 of 6) whose water was tested contained lead. Three of the samples contained 13, 19, and 20 ppb lead, respectively. The EPA action level for drinking water is 15 ppb.
Lead was not detected in the water from the drinking-water-safe hose tested.BPA as high as 87 ppb was found in two of the hose water samples.
A previous study found the phthalate DEHP at 25 ppb in one sample of hose water, which is four times higher than federal drinking water standards. EPA and FDA regulate DEHP in water at 6 ppb.
This reminds me of the movie Mountain Men and the indian chief "Iron Belly"..LOL