JimK-NY wrote:
Sanitizing an RV water system is cheap, quick and easy. I don't understand why anyone would skip that before taking a trip. .
For the same reasons people drive to gas station with flame under refrigerator.
There are no reports RV water made anybody sick and not doing that for over 30 years is good proof for me.
Now I do evaluate the situation. In California we had good water, we had colder weather and I used RV more often, so seldom water was more than 6 months old.
In Las Vegas water is nasty and I don't use it for direct consumption even in my house.
Since my TC sits for 10 months at the time, I just drain. RV water tanks don't have drains that will make tank empty, but the reminder never cost me any problems.
Than my Fleetwood has build-in water filtering system, where I replace the filter going on vacations.
If you really look for a way to be busy, why don't you change your tire air from summer to winter blend?