Guy Roan wrote:
In thirty years of RV'ing I have never sanitized the pipes, but we always drink spring water.
I also never use the fresh water tank
After the winter when we get to our first camping place, I just flush the pink stuff.
I like traveling with a empty hot water tank, since it is that much less weight
You are not alone, there are others out there that do what you do. I am still somewhat surprised that people will spend a great deal of money on a modern trailer and refuse to use some of the systems that make a trailer better than camping in a tent. People are fearful of driving down the road with their refrigerators running. After spending for this appliance they instead fill their fridges and freezers with ice to keep things cool!
Having onboard water will always come in handy and, in an emergency, could be pretty important. I sanitize the system each year and fill the water tank at least half full before each trip. And (insert gasp here) I fill it with the hose on the side of the house. I live in a city that has clean water regulations and they monitor the water quality. I am in my late 60's now and have been doing this for over 35 years. No one has gotten sick yet.
The point of emptying your HW tank to save weight is rather silly in my opinion. It is not the weight of your trailer that creates the largest issue, it is the big frontal surface area that eats up the gas.
To each his own fits in here. I know that I got very tired of camping out of a tent. Packing water everywhere and lifting ice boxes filled with food and drink almost did me in. The fact that some people still do this even when they have a modern trailer confuses me.