We did come down to a final decision between the AF811 and the Lance 855S. We were certainly captivated by the full-wall slide on the AF and the open feeling it creates. But, before we make such large purchases, we try to take a step back, get away from the ether and weigh the pros & cons.
What turned us away from the AF, was not only the weight, but also that the mfg doesn't seem to care how much their rigs weigh. In contrast, Lance really seems to want to improve their product by looking for ways to shave weight where they can. They even keep their holding tanks at a reasonable level, which I appreciate (if it had a 100-gallon fresh tank, I would probably fill it to capacity!) Lance also continues to invest in their manufacturing process, looking for precision and efficiencies.
AF also turned us off with their "mandatory option" shenanigans. Honestly, it doesn't even make any sense and makes me question their integrity and marketing tactics.
The straw that broke the camels back, was the local dealer and the blatant lies they tried to feed us, not to mention their rude comments.
Finally, we were already Lance owners and found our camper to be of high quality and very reliable. This gave us confidence in making our second camper a Lance too.
Just a reminder - these are only opinions based on our evaluations. I believe both companies make a nice product. In fact, in general, I believe there are several quality truck camper manufacturers out there . . . especially in comparison to the questionable quality standards found in the trailer and 5th wheel markets.