Forum Discussion

joetekcor's avatar
Oct 07, 2013

Selling my trailer, advice?

Well, after having couple years enjoying our travel trailer, we have decided it's time to sell it. The boys are getting older, their activities are getting busier, and the time to go camping is pretty much gone. This year we have taken the trailer out twice.
I can't justify the monthly payments for such little usage. Maybe when the kids leave the house (people tell me that they will eventually leave) my wife and I can get something more suited to us and we can travel some more.

I have an appointment with PPL in Houston next week for an appraisal. I can let them sell it, for a fee. Or I can try and do it myself. Does anyone have any advice on selling a trailer?

I still owe money on it but I'm hoping to at least break even. I am about halfway through the extended warranty and roadside assistance that I bought so I'm hoping to get a prorated refund on that.
  • My cousin and hubby just sold theirs through PPL. They have a "program" that they explained to them where they list it higher than is reasonable, then in a couple of weeks, it goes "On Sale", then a couple more weeks "Reduced" and so on. They told them it would take about 6 weeks + or - to sell and I think theirs was just about right on the dot. Then another 4+ weeks for them to get their check. Don't know how much the commission was. Unless you're in a big hurry or just plain don't want to mess with it, I'd give Craigslist or ebay a shot for a short while first. No commission to have to part with and since you still have a balance owing, you don't want to give up any more than necessary. Be aware, that with craigslist, which is how we sold our ROO, you'll get a bunch of idiots that are either scamming to get info - DO NOT SEND THEM EMAIL FROM YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL NO MATTER WHAT STORY THEY GIVE YOU. We sent everything through craigslist with no personal info included or available. The only thing they knew was the city we're in. Another idiot wanted to know if we'd like to trade our ROO for a "mostly restored '67 VW" located in Fresno, CA.....well, NO!!! We did get serious contacts and did sell it on craigslist, just know going in that it's not always easy. The upside of PPL is that besides handling all the garbage involved, if the purchaser needs financing, they can help with that. Good luck. Sorry to see anyone get out of camping for a while, but yes, they do leave....just don't let them back in no matter what or they'll be there forever - note my neighbor. And they'll do less to help out than they did before they "grew up and moved out".
  • CraigsList is how I would sell it assuming you want to sell it yourself. Will PPL let you pick the price you are willing to accept? I would assume doing this they won't be too inclined to move your unit vs. their new and used units they have. Yours could take a back seat and not be shown much. A 2007 should not have a ton of value left and things move easily and quickly on CL when priced right.