Interesting feedback and just some more stuff to ponder. Our house will not be ready until April 15 so we have some time. Rocky is sitting here at home so it's not like we have to hike over to the storage lot and get everything ready. The inside is meticulous....yea, me! All the personal "stuff" is gone other than what we're leaving in the way of linens, kitchenware, etc. Though Rocky was clean when we winterized, he could use a good bath now, but there is not even a slim chance we're paying CW for one of their "Spa" deals. When we sold our HTT we also listed it on CL and after a few crackpots responded - where do these people come from????? - a young couple responded with a mountain of questions and asked for specific pictures. They bought it sight unseen - other than the pix - and we only came down $1000, which was very reasonable. We do have Rocky priced a smidge high, but feel like a truly interested party will at least plan a time to come out and look and then talk price. Granted, having Rocky in his new home would take 1 stressor off our list of many right now, but we have 7 weeks before we need to do or don't. C'mon spring!!!