Cyberian wrote:
Even illegal in Canukistan
Ya'll do whatever you're going to do. Try not to kill anyone else in the process, eh?
I don't know what your problem is. No one has suggested making a practice of coasting down hills in neutral. One person posted that if engine braking is giving you control problems in very slippery conditions, try putting the vehicle in neutral so the brakes can do their work without interference from the engine. You then start flaming them and calling people idiots.
There comes a point whenever we stop a vehicle that the engine stops providing braking and starts to try and push the car. It has to in order to keep from stalling. Normally we don't notice this with an automatic because the torque converter won't let the engine stall. The engine is still trying to push the car but the tires have enough traction to prevent it. This can be a problem when driving on ice in traffic. If it is a problem, put the car in neutral so the engine isn't interfering with the brake system. This is not rocket science, a person driving a manual does it every time they come to a stop. That is what a clutch does, disconnect the engine from the drive axles.
Bottom line, the only real idiot is the one that doesn't do whatever it takes to control their vehicle.