Cadillac Jack wrote:
FreeLanceing wrote:
As a certified welder of 20 plus years myself, I've said before you can't take a handfull of illegals, give them a hood and gun and expect any kind of quality welds. Welding alm is hard, really hard to get it right. Those tacks will not hold up under the flexing and vibration of going down the road. I'll stick with a wood frame. Wood is more durable and easy to fix. Anyone with an alm shell camper, trailer, fifth wheel, should be concerned. I would bet the skin and filon is the only thing holding a lot of those rigs together.
Word! Spot on in my opinion. Welding is a skilled trade and an art form. Especially Aluminum. When I climbed in and around the aluminum framed truck campers while looking to buy I was absolutely horrified by what I felt and saw with my own two eyes.
My wood framed TC feels like a brick sh*t house. But that being said, it still needed to be built properly by skilled craftsman. That's why I bought a camper built by a small and reputable company that relies not on fancy color brochures and big slide outs but on word of mouth real world reputation.
Cadillac Jack, any chance you can elaborate on this? How were you able to see the aluminum frame on a new camper without removing the skin? What were you looking for? What did you feel that lead you to believe it was garbage? Any info would be helpful. Thanks