I didn't mean to create a stir about AF quality. As someone noted, this is an 05 model and I,m the 3rd owner.
One of the bottom panels had been off before I removed it, so, I don't know who may have put the screw through the power wire. All that it says to me is that the individual who did it may have a problem, possibly could care less, mad at the boss that day, or the dealer my have hired a blind guy to get government incentives. Who knows.
Yes, the screw is directly through the wire. I measured the resistance today and the frame was connected directly to the hot wire. Fortunately, it had no other direct connection to metal in the camper. Probably would only have been an issue if a tank had leaked to give it a path to ground.
I don't think AF quality is a problem, although the 05 isn't quite at the same level as the 13 models I looked at this past year. I still like my AF. A used camper is a used camper and if your not rich you better be able to fix it yourself.
I do agree with several posts that the frames needed more than the single spot weld they had. They will have more before I put the bottom back on.
Talk about quality, the bottom cover is about 1/8" plywood with Rustoleum truck bed liner sprayed on. (got that from a call to AF) So this morning I went to a building material place and bought 2 sheets of 1/8" plywood and the Rustoleum. When pulling it out of the truck I had about 2' supported on the tail gate and both sheets broke under their own weight. Of course, a product of china.
So, my opinion is that you can't hold anyone responsible unless you know the complete history. I hold my lumber yard and china responsible for the plywood! Other than that, I don't have all the facts, so I will repair it better than it was originally, I just wish I could flip it upside down, the knees and back aren't what they use to be.