Aluminum is great for campers if it is done right. You can't tack aluminum tubing and expect it to hold. You also can't use too small of tubing or too small of wall thickness and expect it to last. Avion campers have been going strong for over 50 years and many of them are still around, but the wood floors rot on many of them. My preference would be an Avion upper with an aluminum tubing lower that was properly designed and welded. I think that is asking too much for many of these companies.
I started welding in the mid 1970s and was certified to weld at a Nuclear Plant. Welding takes practice, coordination, skill, and knowledge to do properly. Seeing those pictures of AF campers makes me sick to my stomach. Any craftsman, being a certified welder or not, would know that those tacked trussed will not hold over time. As stated earlier, where were the QC people at AF?