donandmax wrote:
What its going to take (never will happen) Is for Japan and Germany to start exporting moho's to the U.S. When the competition gets tough (snipped)
You're right. It's never going to happen.
It's all about price here in the USA. If you've got something that's $1 cheaper than everybody else, people will buy from you even if your product is the lousiest hunk of junk known to man. They will buy from you even if that extra $1 buys them the best product in the market.
German and Japanese RVs do not stand a chance here in the USA because by the time they make it onto our shores, they will run 2-3-4-5 times the price of a similarly sized American built RV.
The only way it will work is if there is a paradigm shift in the way people in this country think, and many more people start paying for quality instead of trying to save a buck.