I've had the following shocks on my 'Beast"...see signature description.
Stock Shocks: Took them off as soon as I could find a replacement shock
Bilstein Shocks: Best ride with the camper OFF the truck, worthless with it on. Remember, I am cruising at 14,000 lbs when loaded.
Monroe Gas Magnums: Actually felt better loaded than the Bilstein's but still worthless with the camper on.
Rancho 9000 XL: The best SO FAR. These newer Rancho 9000's are much different than the ones I had in the 80's. The new ones are MASSIVE/HEAVY shocks. I have front and back dialed up to 9.
I would have LOVED to try the KYB's but they do not and have NO plans on making them for my truck. Apparently not enough of them on the road to make the R & D worth it....I got this directly from the VP.
Good Luck!
Mr. E